May 17, 2007 20:11
I got out of the truck thinking if I didn't get to the bathroom RIGHT NOW I'd never make it. Instead the sudden urge to practice being in the present moment struck me. I focused on everything I did from closing the truck's door, removing my shoes, placing my lunch back on the counter to unpacking my back pack of its purchased items; placing said items in their proper place, taking the clothes off, putting them inside the hamper, putting items out for aunt flow's visit to finally sitting on the toliet.
What happened? No explosive voiding that is what happened. I stayed so focused and calm breathing evening that as I sat down I had to wait a few seconds. Very unusual for someone who takes water pills and had dranked a ton of water before leaving work.
So, keeping the wandering mind on one task at a time seems to work IF you are displined enough to stay at it. Even now I wanna wander around before finishing this note but must tell of my peaceful connection with Apollon. I sat in silence in front of His space, asking a question about where does one find the tools for the path. After getting some clues I picked out what I believe He said and tonight will not be the usual voyage around the space. I've a task to complete before bedtime.
present moment,