Herber's sgt party

Mar 30, 2007 23:41

Well, I left work late, did 40 min run at the gym, showered and flew over to Beerhunters for Herber's party. Not many people there, most from Backgrounds where he is now. There were a few oldies from CRC including the usual CCIs that I know and old acquaintances.

Anyway, H is as handsome as ever with a very beautiful wife and cute kid. Someone told me they both are like mexican Ken and Barbie only w/ brains and just wonderful to know. I like his wife (wouldn't mind having a piece of him either!)

Anyway, I left around 10:30ish because I could feel that Hypnos was practically sandblasting my eyes with sleep n all. I made it home ok (thank Hermes!) but am really now beginning to feel the affects of a long day hitting me. I won't be up much longer that is for certain.

Ok, yeah I've said that before but really-can't stay up for ever.

old friends, sleepy, corrections, bars, hypnos, party

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