Two days after bush & co. get their hat handed to them..

Nov 09, 2006 11:15

Articles like this both move me and leave me concerned. Why is it that our particular political establishment draws so much cheers/jeers from the world? Does anyone other than myself find it very scary that a shift in power in our Senate and house leaves so many in the world hoping for change but not at their own costs? Why are we so influential in the world? I am glad so many people feel the US is important however, I think other countries are just as important especially those whom the US calls "allies". I think perhaps after all the hullaballo is over, the whole world needs to sit down and say "Ok, now that you have some common sense back in your government we seriously need to talk about what your next steps will be. Why you ask? Because anytime the US shrugs its shoulders, the whole planet shifts dangerously THAT is why."

Will this happen? I don't know-I'll be watching; hoping; praying for serious change: 1st is looking into impeachment for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and others whom are responsible for starting and keeping this war going but also for possible denial of access to important documents that might have prevented 9/11. Someone knew something back then-its time the so-called "leaders of the free world" take their punishment. Not only were americans killed on 9/11 but many others from different countries around the world. Someone needs to pay and pay they will.

politics, elections, world

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