On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur

Sep 15, 2008 16:53

Title: On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur ~It is only with the heart that one can see rightly~
Chapter: Prologue
Pairing: Junda, Akame, TaNaka, one-sided Kokame and Maruda
Rating: Er… PG with occasional swears… something like that…
Genre: angst, romance, fluff
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya is a prince who ran away from home. While on the run, he meets Taguchi Junnosuke, an actor. Together they are wrapped into a complex love *insert polygon here*.
A/N: This is my first time writing a KAT-TUN fic. Doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.


Torrential rains poured from the heavens, darkening the sky and adding to the dismal mood of the young man sitting in the window seat of his bedroom. He stared at the mobile phone in his hand, as he had been doing for the past few hours. It did not ring. It never rang. No one called him, because no one was allowed to call him, and the ones who were allowed to call him never called. An empty life for an empty man. More than once, he had wished a mysterious stranger would come and take him away from all this. Nevertheless, no one ever came.

Ueda Tatsuya, heir apparent to the throne, was desolate.


The only words one could use to describe the apartment shard by Taguchi Junnosuke with his best friend were bachelor and pad. From the leather couch, to the big screen television, to the empty take-out boxes in the trash pin, that fact was indefeasible.

While the storm raged outside, Junno sat on the couch playing video games. He was on his fourth game of the day, having completed the previous three. There probably were better ways for him to relieve his stress, but he did not care. He had been waiting all day for a phone call and now, at almost eleven o’clock at night, he doubted that he would receive it at all.

He swore as ‘GAME OVER’ flashed across the screen. He shut off the game and went into the kitchen to heat up some cold pizza. Sitting down at the table, he sighed and resigned himself to prepare for yet another week’s worth of auditions. He thought he had done particularly well at this audition, but alas, it did not seem to be enough.

He began to wonder where his flatmate was. His work must have ended hours ago, yet he had not returned. He hated to be alone on nights like this. His fear was not as bad as it was when he was younger, but he still abhorred storms. Lightning streaked across the sky and the power went out. Suddenly, the phone rang.


Kamenashi Kazuya was lighting candles around his apartment when he heard a knock on the door. Placing, the lighter on the kitchen counter, he went to answer it. Standing in his doorway was Akanishi Jin, soaking went and dripping onto the floor.

“Jin! You’re soaking wet!” Kame exclaimed.

“Tell me something I don’t know…” Jin grumbled, stepping inside. Kame left and reappeared with a towel and some dry clothes. Jin accepted them gratefully.

“Why are you here?” Kame asked when Jin was mostly dry.

“The photo shoot took longer than expected,” Jin replied.

“Why didn’t your manager drive you home?”

“She had a big date. I didn’t want her to be later than she already was.”

“Sometimes you’re too nice, Jin.”

“I know.”

The two men sat in silence for several minutes until Kame spoke up. “As long as you’re here do you want to help me go over my lines?”

Jin smiled, “That’s right. You start filming soon, don’t you?”

“They still need to cast one more person, but I heard that would be decided today.”

“I can’t believe you’re starring in a drama. It seems like only yesterday you were just an extra.”

“That was yesterday.”


Kame rolled his eyes, “It’s been a while since we had time to chat like this, ne?”

“Yeah, we’ve both been so busy lately.”

“Tell me about it…”

“Sometimes I feel like I should take a vacation.”

“Lucky you. I won’t have any free time for months.”

“You sure are popular lately. I mean, ever since the break-up-”

“Never ever mention that again! I don’t need to be constantly reminded of it! It’s always ‘I’m sorry to heat about the break-up’ or ‘You were such a cute couple. What went wrong?’ I don’t need your, or anyone else’s, pity, thank you very much!” Tears were streaming from Kame’s eyes as he said this, and they eventually turned into sobs.

Jin wrapped his arms around the younger man, and Kame sobbed into his shirt. Suddenly, everything was quiet. Kame had cried himself to sleep.


Tanaka Koki lounged on the couch in the den of his penthouse apartment. He had bought the apartment when his third album went platinum. Now his friend, Nakamaru Yuichi, sat sideways in a nearby armchair, his legs draped over an arm.

“Don’t tell me you’re still bitter about that guy?” Maru asked.

Koki didn’t answer.

“This is a chance for you to make up for your mistakes. Claim it was just a phase and find a nice girl,” Maru said.

Koki snorted. “Like you’re one to talk. We all know you’re secretly pining after him,” he said with venom.

Maru blushed, “How do you know-”

“It’s so obvious, it makes me sick. No wonder you never show your face at court.”

“I didn’t know anyone knew,” Maru said softly.

No one said anything after that.


At noon the next day, a maid knocked on the door of Tatsuya’s room.

“Your highness, would you like me to bring you lunch in your room?” she asked. When no one answered, the maid opened the door. She noticed the doors that led to the balcony were open. She quickly searched the room and found it empty.

She ran from the room screaming.


A/N: Thank you for reading! Hopefully, you aren't horribly confused. Comments are greatly appreciated. Many thanks to my beta,
kiwi_starlight .

on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, fanfic, tanakamaru, kat-tun, akame, junda

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