Ahhh, it feels good to be home. Thank heavens that the graduation I went to didn't last as long as I thought it would.. my real sister had 564 Frocking people in her graduating class!.. I swear, me and all the other family members were like "For the sake of our sanity, they better go fast" ..
Anywho, I got home.. went to Hastings with Bryan, didn't come home with anything o.x;.. I'm an inexsessive buyer xx;.. Anywho.. Then yeah.. Oh! I got to drive home from Chickasha Which is about 35 minutes from home, so that was an experience.. *shrug* They wouldn't dare let me drive in the city though.
I'm talking to Akilia-san and John right now.. *Shrugs* interesting conversations that will keep me unbored er something. *shrug* ..Everyone from school is off doing their thing and what not..thank goodness I have summer drivers ed to do next week, a bunch of driving and doing reports about how we can't die when we drive!..
And..thats about it or something.. Hm.. I have a Route 44 drink in my lap..o.O.. Dr.Pepper.. I'm going to have 10 kidney stones by the time I'm finished with it.. and like.. my cousin was over here and he found a tarantula outside -. - and he kept holding it.. Gods I thought I was going to kill over.. spiders scare the holy crap out of me.. if..crap can be holy that is.
Hmm, I'm excessivly listning to Make You Free.. God.. make it stop..x.x... I wish I had some CD'S to listen to.. but no.. my ayumi collection HAD TO GET STOLEN.. Jeeze I hate it.. ;_;.. I had so many good CD's too...but..one thing that made me happy was that mom made an agreement with me that on June 20th I get to order my laptop so that it's here by the time I go to camp. (that includes wireless internet and all~!) .. So that'll be good.
..Hmm.. ^^ OH!.. Um.. I forgot. OH and congrats aimee for getting accepted into OSSM.. Thats awsome and I hope you do well~!
I updated my lyrics.. I added some in the folder "Illusion of Defiance"..
http://www.japanese-sound.com/songs But yeah, nothing too big.
sono inori wa kanawanai kara.. saa, te o nobashite!
....Brett oo;