Remember me? :) This is mega overdue, but! I was in two fic exchanges earlier this year! Wow! Still not ready to crosspost because they're pretty rough and I want to polish/add to them. If you want to read what I do have, they're up on their respective exchanges:
Kaixing and
Chansoo. I'll do proper extended version posts later on.
Excuses time: life is??? Crazy?????? I'm working almost full-time and I'm a student (and that concert comeback though) so. That's a thing that's driving me up the wall. I'll be real with y'all, I'd much rather be writing fanfiction. But come spring break I'm moving to a new fandom-friendly twitter that I can actually share with peeps, so that'll be cool and twitfics are inevitable. If that is something anyone cares about?
Plus I'm writing a two-part oneshot series for my friend's birthday! Which should be done...soon...?
Lots of cool stuff in store for this space, actually. It's just slowgoing.