Vermillion & Bach

Apr 05, 2007 16:30

At John's urging, I applied for an interim position at the University of South Dakota. I heard from the head of the department that the dean had given him the go-ahead to bring me down for an interview. So, Sunday April 15th, I'll drive to Vermillion, and on Monday (according to the head of the department) will:

Answer student/faculty questions
Teach 3-4 lessons
Possibly meet with the dean.

I just mailed my CD and all the music for my audition this afternoon.

It was a KICK-ASS audition CD, if I do say so myself. Not only did it include an extremely well balanced and representative set of selections, I created a "digital portfolio", so instead of having to lug a huge binder around for them to consult, they can peruse the files on the disc at leisure.

I've selected my audition rep:
Come un'ape ne'giorni d'aprile, from La Cenerentola (Rossini -- my usual opener)
Luke Havergal (John Duke)
La chanson de Loïc (Victor Massé)
Anna's Birthday, from The Andrée Expedition (Argento)
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Mahler)

I think it shows a good range musically, dramatically, stylistically, etc. And I really LOVE every song on the list, though it will take some practice to feel secure on the newer pieces. Even though I just gave my recital, those pieces are still quite new, and still require attention. And this is a good excuse to finally memorize the Argento -- though I've performed it a LOT, I haven't done so from memory. But the piece is just too awesome to exclude from my audition rep, so if not now, when?

I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited. I think I would love this job. The current baritone there teaches voice students, "Public school Vocal Repertoire and Methods" (aka, Lit and Ped), and direct Opera Workshop. Woohoo! Even if the prof who's already there takes any of those classes, I'd be OK with that. I'd really enjoy teaching any of those classes.

Especially given my overwhelmed state lately, I'm mighty proud that I've managed to do this. Now, it's out of my hands until the day of. All I can do is practice! Pray for me in the next few weeks!


BTW, Save the date! I'm going to be singing the part of Jesus in Bach's Matthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion) at the U on Friday, May 4th.

teaching, singing

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