Meme: 25 random things about me

Jan 27, 2009 22:29

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I can't eat chocolate Easter bunnies (or any other animal or person shaped candy) because at some point, you have to eat the head.

2. I've never really liked vegetables, but absolutely cannot eat bell peppers.

3. In junior high, I did ceramics and won awards -- I still have my prize-winning vase. In high school, I lettered in Band and Science Club. I also helped edit the literary magazine, acted in plays and musicals, led retreats, assisted with the service organization, and was a member of the National Honor Society.

4. As a child, I wanted to be an astronomer when I grew up.

5. At band camp (pre-loreleiskye), I went to the dance with someone because I had a crush on her friend.

6. I took tap, ballet, and jazz dance through late elementary and junior high. Initially, I wanted to dance like Fred Astaire. In the end, I ended up doing a dance in the junior high talent show to "The Hippy Hippy Shake" and getting compared to Tom Cruise.

7. I aced the analytical portion of the GRE.

8. My best friend in high school was a genius (literally, he's a particle physicist), and consequently, I viewed my own intelligence as not terribly unique.

9. I rarely read books anymore, though I was a voracious reader as a child.

10. Though I'm great at organizing thoughts and ideas, I'm terrible at keeping stuff tidy.

11. I loved Cub Scouts but couldn't really get into Boy Scouts. It was that whole thing that "3/4 of 'scouting' is 'outing.'"

12. I'm an only child who taught myself how to play piano on a 2-octave electronic keyboard, and found my own piano teacher in 4th grade.

13. When I get up in the morning, I check the news and weather on TV, get my breakfast, then head to my computer to check Gmail, LiveJournal, Facebook, and the important blogs: LOLcats, Engrish Funny, Failblog, Cake Wrecks, Overheard in Minneapolis, Project Rungay, and The "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

14. I've had many video game addictions over the years, of which World of Warcraft is only the most recent. In the post-DOS era, favorites include all versions of SimCity, the Sims 1 & 2, Civilization 1 & 3, and Master of Orion. I've also been addicted to games on the Atari 2600, Nintendo, IBM PS/2, and my Franklin Ace 1000 computer.

15. One of my first memories is of going to Food City (a now-defunct grocery store with a good restaurant) with my mom in her Triumph Spitfire on a winter day. I was next to her in my car seat, and remember the waffle-weave blanket covering me to keep me warm. We've since figured out I was about 15 months at that point.

16. I failed the road portion of my drivers test the first time I took it.

17. When I lived in Dallas, I was terrified of the Tollway, mostly because my freshman year, I drove an '81 Dodge Diplomat that couldn't meet the speed of traffic by the time I was at the end of the onramp.

18. I don't regret any of the choices in my life. Many things have been tough, and I might have made different choices if I knew then what I know now, but ultimately, I'm satisfied.

19. I have a 3-legged cat. I've had Dante since 2001, but last summer, we had the option of amputating his hind leg or letting him live with Vaccine Associated Sarcoma. He's just as spry as he was before the amputation, and just as fond of people food, especially raw eggs and anything canned.

20. I make a mean mole sauce. (I've heavily modified the recipe, though, the main change: instead of dried cilantro, add a 1/2 bunch of finely chopped fresh cilantro. Use the other half to make salsa :-)

21. Whenever the phone rings, I think someone is calling to yell at me. I'm not sure where this phobia came from. If you really need to talk to me, the secret is to call twice, and I'll be sure to pick up.

22. Though it doesn't feel like it's been that long, Fred and I have been together since 7/14/02. We say "Happy 14th" every month. My guy is great :-)

23. I'd rather sing in a church that doesn't pay but that I love than a church that pays well but that is a "job." I LOVE singing at the Basilica -- in addition to being my spiritual home and having a choir full of friends, it's also musically fulfilling.

24. My empathy is both a virtue and a fault. I can't help but put myself in other people's shoes, but consequently, I sometimes lose my own perspective.

25. I'm a damn good singer, and an even better teacher. Now, if I could just find a job...

Not tagging anyone in particular, but if you feel moved to share, please do so :-)

random, backstory

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