General updates

Jul 10, 2011 13:56

I will try to write a little every day. Mostly nonfiction. (This is a lot like being a lawyer). At a minimum, 3 complete thoughts.

Bh and Jazz went off to Peru yesterday. We spent the morning with the last packing and send-off. I had a birthday lunch with the whole family:
Bh, Jazz, Wolf, Maritza, and Javier (Maritza's to-be-adopted half-brother). We went to Betty's Diner on Huntington Ave., an Asian-Latino-50s
fusion restaurant. Very tasty, although they rushed the pork dumplings, which were undercooked. Already stressed over the fact that the flight
back from Peru are all screwed up and have been so for two weeks, we got a message that the flight out of Boston had been cancelled.
Fifteen panicky minutes later, we established it was only delayed by two hours.

\Since there was a delay, Bh, Wolf & I (no one else could fit in the car not going back to Maritza's) toddled over to a party being thrown by our
former nanny-child, Becky - her twins' 2nd birthday party. Wow. She's looking good - living with the dad, on the Board of Directors of a
gallery, finishing college - and her new short-haired young-mom's look definitely suits her. She seemed near-blissful happy, with things
accomplish and goals to strive for. It was good to see.

Then we dropped Jazz and Bh off at the airport. At last report, they had successfully made it through their Washington connection to
El Salvador.

On the way home, Wolf and I went to our friends house. It was laid-back, and relaxing, and definitely appreciated by me after such an
emotionally tumultuous day. Also, they did a marvelous grilled-steak salad. Ezra was being a bear, but nonetheless still cute,
Rohan was adorable and funny, and I was a terrible influence on them. They're great kids and have an amazing pair of parents.
It was a little bit of struggle for me to be sociable at first but I eventually loosened up.

Today's plans: food shopping with Wolf, sugar the bees and add a honey super, clean some of the house and do laundry, and
go to bed at a reasonable hour for a grueling work week.

Week's plans: A major pre-trial conference, a major hearing/trial on a much continued-case, and get through the week to reach...a vacation!


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