Women don't age well...it's so unfair and Body Spray commercials have it right!?

Jun 22, 2007 20:00

Ok this is going to sound out there...but women seem to get lumpy butts when they get older. Seriously, look at the butts on older women (unless of course you are a guy...but if you're into that thing go ahead...or a lezbian...you never know...). I don't know if it's just the clothing that they wear that makes their butts look that way or what, but it seems like all older women have elonged, lumpy butts. Are butts like boobs, as you get older they get saggy...is that where all your fat goes? I am not sure what the deal is with this, but honestly I don't want a lumpy butt. The butts are just so wide and so big and almost every older lady has the same shape of butt...Ok I'll stop. I know it's a weird thing to think about...but seriously...check it out.

Also another revelation of the day...if you can really call the butt thing a revelation. I think the body spray commercials are really on to something. In the newest commercial they have the same burnett girl talking about women to what is presumed a male veiwer. (you know the one that starts out "Don't act, don't assume, don't presume.") Whoever rights those things must be a female because there is no way a male could come up with the line she said in the newest series of commercials. "know where your friends end and you begin." That's way too deep for any man, and most men I have met don't understand that at all. very intresting....
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