So I'm currently sitting at my hairdresser's waiting for her to get here, because although Kaimama and I were supposed to leave the house at 10:30 to do some other errands, it got pushed back until 11:20 for reasons (for once) not at all related to me. Blargh.
So anyway, Kaasan's aunt, who she lives with during the summer and on holidays and whatnot, found out that she and her boyfriend have been having sex, and apparently went off on her about diseases and that her boyfriend might have been off with other girls in the time when they didn't see much of each other and a bunch of other shit. Needless to say, she's a rather religious lady and believes in abstinence before marriage and whatnot. My own issues with abstinence-only education aside (elaboration to come when I'm not on an iPhone)... I really don't like Kaasan's aunt. Wonder if she would think I'm plotting to infect Kaasan with Teh Ghey if she knew I was a lesbian?
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