Oct 04, 2007 14:28
So, it's been about 100 years since I've updated this thing.
I don't know why I do that.
I deleted my xanga because of nosy assholes that broadcast my information to everyone.
Course, I asked for it...
Posting it online, I guess that's saying "Hey! Announce me to the world!"
Oh well.
My last entry was about me being sick..
Guess what?!?
I'm sick!
I just got over a really bad kidney infection,
and a week later I get a cold.
I still don't know what was wrong with me that week, day, month.
Lol, I'm losing my memory
Actually, the week in-between the kidney infection and the cold.
I was feeling weird.
Like, I was perpetually high or something.
I was forgetting things left and right.
Even the insignificant bullshit that I tend to remember.
I don't know Mr. Wilson...There's something in the air.
I was taking medicine for my allergies (which caused the kidney infection)
I swear it was doing something to my something lol!
I was acting crazy...
Totally anti-me.
I'm okay now...
At least I think I am anyways.
Well, I'm out for another couple months haha later!