(no subject)

Aug 07, 2006 01:57

I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT LIVEJOURNAL WELL I'M BACK i've been in Quizilla mode for so freaking long AHHHHH

anyways i've been seeing things lately like last night i was REALLY TIRED and my leg REALLY HURT for some reason so i went to sleep. i was like half awake and i heard some voices in my room and than it felt like one of them touched my scar and the next morning My wound was all better and on my night stand i found a necklace with some kind of star pointy thing. and just last night (im back in the usa now) i went to bed and when i woke up i saw a note near the necklace i got"Do You Feel Him?". these past few weeks have been really weird. My consin goes MISSING and than my family sent me to France to my aunt (shes a widow) and the WEIRDEST thing is that i meet some people therewith the same names as Kh2 except spelled differently *Heyner Pence and Olete* weird huh? and how i got that wound i talked about i fell of a building and i landed on a FREAKING LONG POINTY STICK luckily Heyner Pence and Olete weren't there to see my clusmyness do you wanna know why i wsas on a building i was sitting up on my aunts house because i was bored and i started tinkering with my necklaces i got from my Mom and Aunt.

anyways see ya later ^-^ 
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