
Sep 23, 2005 16:51

I see everyone talking about halloween, although its more than a month away.. I hear there might be some sort of costume party neh? I guess I could dress up and go.. maybe.. we'll see how it goes.. though I might have a costume to wear, I'm just not big on parties and stuff. I think I'll just spend the night working on my charms.. sounds like fun I think.

And.. er.. if anyone is wondering about the whole thing yesterday with me and my ultra wierdness, I had a massive fever and stuff. Taichi took me to the hospital wing, and thats why I was on his back. In case anyone saw us and was a little wierded out.

[Private to Taichi Hey, remember when we snuck into Filch's office? Of course you do stupid question.. Anyways. I found this paper in his confiscated drawers.. and as it turns out, its a map! And not just any map, but a map of Hogwarts! And wanna know the bestest best part of this map? It tells you where everyone is, and if they are coming towards you! It has all the secret passages, and even a few that you would be surprised to hear about. It tells you how to use them too! And the best part? It TALKS! You have to see it! Its awesome! Its from the same guys who wrote this prank book I found and gave to Rabi. It woulda helped loads with finding all those passages I know.. geesh. There are even some that I didn't know about, they are increadible.. some lead outside of Hogwarts! I know thats a big no no for you, but still.. you must see it.]

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