Only German entry today - I'm to death to write much in english -_-
Argh... Nachtdienst war mal wieder ... toll... -_-
Hab etwa 2 Stunden geschlafen... naja, durfte nebenbei noch jemandem auf englisch erklären wie man die Schuluni von Kairi näht ^^;;;
Gott, ich muss noch so viel machen ;_;
Ich werd ja einige meiner Cos nochmal neu machen *bin eben perfektionist*
Ob ich bis zur Conneko alle Cos wirklich schaff, weiß ich nicht, aber ich werde es versuchen:
- Naminé 2 x (einmal für mich, einmal für Chichi)
- Kairi standard outfit KH überarbeiten (neuer Rock, neue Schuhe usw.)
- Kairi Schuluniform
- Kairi rosa Kleid
- Oretto / KH2 (neu)
- Albert Silverberg / Suikoden III (neu)
- Sara / Suikoden III (neu - für Mina)
- Yuffie / FF AC (neu)
- Satoshi (nochmal neu)
- Kenta / Pokémon (neu)
- Kairi eigener Entwurf (neu)
- Mini-MukuMuku-Plüschi (Geburtstagsgeschenk für Mina)
Ich bin sicher, das wird noch mehr - ich kenn mich schließlich ;_;
You Are Sunshine
Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned
You are best known for: your warmth
Your dominant state: connecting
What Type of Weather Are You? Your Hair Should Be Purple
Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional.
You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights.
What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color? You Are The Empress
You represent the ideal female figure: beauty and nurturing.
You bring security and harmony to many.
At times, you are also a very sensual person.
You are characterized by love, pleasure, and desire.
Your fortune:
You need to take some time to think about the role of commitment in your life.
It's possible you need to commit more to others, or deal with how others have treated you.
It is very important for you to support your friends and family right now, difficult as it may be.
You may need to look at your relationship with your mother, or your relationships as a mother.
What Tarot Card Are You?