Feb 03, 2006 22:43
So much for saying that I'd update soon. Have had way too much to do this week. Or something.
Chibi-con wasn't that fun, but still allright. It mostly consisted of a screen showing anime, a TV where one could play a karaoke game and a room dedicated to DDR (as in dance, otherwise it would have been strange). The anime I watched and liked was Comic Party ep 1-2, Laputa Castle in the sky and Haibane Renmei ep 1-2. They also showed a strange movie and some mecha-stuff, that I left after having watched halfway. There wasn't a lot of people there either, somewhere 20-30 I think.
But I really want to watch more of Haibane Renmei. It's about some angel-like creatures living among humans. The city where they live have a wall around, which none may cross (except a strange people). The main character seems to be interested in what lies beyond that wall, so I guess that the plot circles around how she'll try to get out. Back to the watching bit... It's available on DVD here, so I won't download it. But it's so expensive!! I think each DVD is 279 kr (which is say $ 40-50, I'm too lazy to check for real). I guess I'll have to give out the money, even if it hurts... I hate spending too much money, even if I can.
The week this far has been pretty blah. As I said before, too much school-work to do. And the weekend won't be any improvement. I have to mostly finish the two papers, study some Physics and probably something else that I'm forgetting on purpose.