I have had a fairly good week since last I wrote here, which means that here comes a day-by-day account of what happened. Fun....
So, on Sunday I went to Liseberg (big amusement park) with the family. It was nice, as always. They this big rollercoaster which is just lovely to ride, my favourite ride out of everything.
Monday was the first real summerday in awhile, sun from a clear sky and warm air. So I went swimming for the first time this summer. Also, my parents and brother left to go sailing. I'm staying at home to work.
Well, Tuesday wasn't the very best day, but still all right. I dug out my old Game Boy and a Zelda-game to have something to do.
On Wednesday me, my best friend and another friend gathered to play some games. Mostly we played Settlers, which I won quite easy the second time.
On Thursday was just our usual LARP-club meeting, but since it's summer a lot of people are away at events, so we weren't very many.
Friday then, this means yesterday, was good enough to make the week good all by itself. The reason for that is the Lars Winnerbäck concert to which I went. It was so wonderfully great there's no words to describe it!! Only bad thing about it is that, when I came home the guyfriend with whom I went, and who was sleeping on my floor, refused to shut up and thus kept me awake until I had to get up to deliver my newspapers. This resulted in me only sleeping about three hours, since he had to leave early. But it's nothing I can't cope with.
My best friend finally finished HBP today, so we can have our wonderful HP-talks again. We spent a lot of 7th, 8th and 9th grade theorizing about OotP and now we can start anew. Anyway, she called me today and the conversation began like this.
Me: *answering phone* Karin
She: He died!!!!!
Then came 30 minutes of HP-goodness (she had to leave then). She had this quite disturbing theory about Harry, Voldemort and horcruxes: We all know Harry got something of Voldie in him, right? But what if Voldie accidently put parts of his soul in
Harry, thus making him a horcrux. Which means that in order to finish Voldie, Harry will have to kill himself. Very disturbing.
Edit: I hadn't seen the theory before posting this, but right afterwards I read a drabble with it. I'm not surprised that other got the same idea, though.