Just Tired

Apr 07, 2004 01:20

Wow, I have really dropped the ball on this whole school thing. I haven't gone to my World Civilizations class since my last exam. Which was on March 22nd. Yes, it's a while. Especially considering that the class is 3 times a week. Well, I was debating whether or not I was going to bother going to class tomorrow, when I got this funny feeling. We have a paper due on the 12th and I thought, "Hey, I hope there's not an exam tomorrow". So, I decided to go on Blackboard and check it out. Sure enough, exam tomorrow. How the hell am I supposed to take a test on something I haven't studied!? Since it's 1:30 a.m. and I just figured this out, there is no time for me to study...at all. I would pull an all nighter, but I don't know what to study! I wasn't in class! Plus I have to work tomorrow, I can't clean for 4 hours when I didn't get any sleep. Trust me. It seriously didn't seem like that many classes I was skipping. I just figured, "eh, it's a lecture class". So, now apparently I'm going to fail 3/4 of my classes. I don't really care. I mean I care, but there's nothing I can do about it. I got extremely lazy and now I have to pay for it. Literally. Next fall I am busting my butt. There is no way I'm going to keep wasting money. For awhile I thought that I wasn't going to go to GVSU or any college anymore, I guess that's why I thought it was ok to slack. But now that I realized I'm going back next year and the year after that for that matter, I am up shit creek without a paddle. I will be retaking a lot of classes. And I will be a 2nd year freshman. Sigh. I swear to God I'm smart, I'm just chronically lazy. It gets me in trouble. The main thing I'm worried about is my mom finding out and yelling at me. Seriously, that's what I'm scared of. It makes me disappointed in myself to know that she's disappointed. But, so far she hasn't found out. She doesn't keep tabs on what classes I take and whatnot...I'll just make sure she never opens my grades, and she will never notice when I take some of the same classes. I'll space em out. I'm taking Math 110 again in the fall...and maybe in the winter I'll do Com, and then the next fall World Civ again. Sheesh that sucks. What a waste of money. At least I got the experience of knowing that you can't slack off as much just because you have the freedom to. That's a valuable lesson. I must go to class next semester. Thank god I can do well in Spanish without actually doing any work...otherwise I'd be screwed. I better damn well get an A in the only class I'm actually going to pass. Sigh again.
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