
Aug 31, 2010 16:10

Title: Démonter
Author: kaipop  & styleskull 
Pairing: SeungJin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance,Drama,Comedy
Disclaimer: As much as I want to, I don't own anyone in this fic...Yet. I only own the fic itself.

"Life is frustrating as a member of a well known band. No privacy,no relaxing and no available seats with the rest of the members on the plane to Japan!"

Part: 1/?
Word Count: 1,781

A/N: Ah!~ This shall end in epic win...
Chapters in Jaejin's POV will be written by styleskull . Chapters written in Seunghyun's POV will be written by kaipop. Enjoy~!

Démonter to detach or separate from something.

With love comes pain. They say that’s something I should’ve accepted long ago. But how could I? I was just a child, young and therefore naive. I didn’t know what was headed my way. I couldn’t predict the happiest moments of my life, at least not in detail. Nor could I have any hope of predicting the saddest. I didn’t know what love was. I didn’t know pain.

This is how I learned...

“But,  Jaejin hyung! I didn’t mean t-”

“I don’t care! if you didn’t want it to rip then you shouldn't have worn it! God, when will you learn?”

And with that, I storm off to my bedroom, slamming the door to emphasize the fact I’m upset. And I’ve got a good reason to be, too.

You see, Seunghyun has a little habit, a habit a wearing other peoples clothing. In the morning, instead of looking in his own closet for something to wear, he looks in everyone else’s closets. I mean seriously, what the hell. No one else’s clothes even fit the boy, what’s the point? Of course living together, we all tend to share clothes occasionally, but we ask and we know when were crossing boundaries. Anyways this morning Seunghyun was looking through my closet when he found a shirt he liked and decided to wear it.  I didn’t catch him with the shirt until five minutes ago when I spotted him, clad in my shirt, my shirt which now has a large tear down the side.

Now, normally, that situation would just be annoying. Nothing more. But in this case, things are different. I had specifically given instructions to all the members, including seunghyun, never, ever to wear this shirt. It’s the Shirt my grandpa gave to me for my birthday, the day before he died. That shirt means the world to me, and now thanks to someone, it’s ruined.

I look down at the faded black tee in my hands (I made Seunghyun take it off) and feel the soft fabric between my fingers. I examine the rip. It’s big, and hopeless. I could get someone to fix it, of course, but even if I did, you’d still be able to see where it ripped clearly. Besides, I don’t really have time for that.

How the heck did Seunghyun rip this, anyways? It looks like he took a blade to it or something-

knock knock knock.

I ignore this. No doubt it’s Seunghyun coming to apologize. I don’t want to hear that from him right now.

knock knock knock.

“ Go away, Seunghyun.” I say, frustrated now.

“It’s not Seunghyun...” lies the voice behind the door.

“That’s funny, because it sure sounds like him.”

“But it’s not him...”

“Seriously, go away Seunghyun.” I growl at him.

First there’s silence, then I hear his light footsteps as he walks away. Thank god.


Later that day we have a meeting with our manager.  He reminds us we’ll be headed to japan in a few days, and be staying for about a week. The trip’s purpose; to conclude our asian tour. two concerts, one in Osaka, the other in Tokyo. Of course, the concerts wont actually take a full week, the other days we’ve got various photo shoots and some radio shows planned.


“A whole week? That’s stupid.” Hongki tells me as he flips through channels on TV. He looks so comfortable, all sprawled out on the couch, forcing me to sit on the hard, wooden floor.

“It’s not that bad. I mean really, a week away from home is nothing.” I try to explain.

“I know, it’s just we really only need to be there two days. I like home, I’d rather spend my time here, thank you very much.” He whines like this for awhile until Jonghun enters the living room.  Hongki immediately makes room for him on the sofa, and once Jonghun is seated comfortably, Hongki leans his matted red head of hair on the other’s shoulder. They’re whispering to each other, and it really does make me feel awkward.

I move closer to the television, attempting to watch some show about narwhals. (What? Narwhals can be interesting... and I have no way of changing the channel.) I manually turn up the volume trying to block out the sound of Hongki’s flirty little laugh. Really, I should be used to they’re behavior by now, they act this way ALL THE TIME. But i’m not. Not at all. Every time I see them like this I feel so very weird. Out of place. Awkward. Lonely.

Are Hongki and Jonghun actually together? I’ve never asked and they’ve never told. Judging from how they act, I’m gonna go with yes.

At this moment I hear loud footsteps approaching the living room. That would be Minhwan. How can I tell? The overwhelming aroma of chicken (Ok, ok, more like the aroma of salt and grease).

“Who wants chicken?” Definitely, Minhwan. I turn around to see him enter the room, bucket of KFC in hand. He smiles and sits down beside me. He then makes a face that seems to say “eww” and “way too much info”.

“What?” I ask.

“Guess.” He motions behind us and I nod, understanding completely. “Such flirts.”

“Do you think I’ll get yelled at if I throw a piece of chicken at them and tell them to get a room?” I say in complete seriousness.

“Yes. You’d be yelled at by me for wasting chicken.”

At this point we turn to the TV, which has a caption that says ‘Unicorn of the Sea’

“What are you watching?” Minhwan asks, before shoving another piece of chicken down his throat.

“Something about Narwhals or something. I don’t really know.” We sit for a few minutes before I ask about Seunghyun. “Where is he?”

“He’s in his room playing guitar. seems pretty down. You know anything about that?”

“No.” I lie. “I should go check on him though.”Aish. that didn’t mean to come out of my mouth. Now I’m stuck going to check on him. Great.

I stand up and turn around, catching a glimpse of Hongki and Jonghun. Jonghun’s long fingers run through hongki’s hair. The red head blushes and laughs and they are in they’re own little world, talking about who knows what, and not caring what others think. And they look so happy I think, and they look so happy.

I realize I must be staring so I come back to my senses and scurry off to Seunghyun’s room.

When I arrive, I find the door is shut so I knock softly, inwardly hoping he won’t hear. Of course he does. The door flies open I find myself staring up into Seunghyun’s seemingly endless eyes. Eyes that hypnotize like deep never-ending pits. Even so, there is still a certain softness to them. Something inviting, almost, and even comforting. His eyes were the first thing I noticed upon our initial meeting, that now seems so long ago. “Hi.” He says to me quietly.

“Can I come in?” I have to force these words, but they do come.

“I guess.” I enter the room and we sit on Jonghun’s bed (they share a room).
  We don’t say anything for a long moment. Seunghyun breaks the silence.
  “I’m sorry I didn’t listen. And ripped you’re shirt. I didn’t mean to, hyung.”

“Yeah, I know.” Is my pathetic reply. I only feel a slight, minuscule amount of guilt for yelling at him earlier, I feel like he deserved (most of) it. I also think he’s kind of over- reacting himself by being all emo.

“Hyung, will you be mad if I say something?” He asks pulling the innocent look.
  “Depends. Don’t say it if you think it’ll make me mad.”

There is a pause, then, “I really don’t like it when you yell at me.”

Why did he have to say it?
  “You do understand you were asking for it, right? Don’t listen to your hyung, and you get yelled at. Go through my important stuff, you get yelled at! Ruin my important stuff... You defiantly get yelled at!!!”

He doesn't say anything for a minute before he responds with, ”I know. I just thought I’d say that I don’t like it when you yell at me. Because it’s true. Like how you just yelled at me now, I didn’t like that.”

“No one likes being yelled at. Nobody.  And you saying that didn’t help the situation at all. In fact I think you just made things worse!!”

“Stop yelling!” Seunghyun hollers.

“Only if you stop acting like a little kid!”

I take that as my cue to leave, and storm out of there as fast as possible.


When I sit down at the table for breakfast I make sure to sit as far away as Seunghyun as possible. We haven’t talked since our fight-ish thing the other day and I don’t plan on starting now. He’s approached me a countless number of times  wanting to make up but, I just shrug him off. I know I know, it’s kind of harsh, but i’m far too stressed out about, well about life in general to really give a damn about him. We’re all far too stressed.

“So by tonight we’ll be in japan.” Minhwan says, clearly trying to ignore Jonghun and Hongki ,who are feeding each other soggy cheerios on the other side of the table, and also break the more-than-awkward silence.

“Right. We will.” I reply, trying to be polite.

“Alright, What’s up with you guys?” damn it, he noticed.

“Oh nothing.” I say,

“I don’t buy that. What’s wrong, Seunghyun?” Minhwan turns to Seunghyun with a questioning look on his face.

“Well...” Seunghyun says as he makes eye contact with me for the first time in days,”I ripped Jaejin hyung’s shirt......The special one he told us not to touch. I said I was sorry but he hasn’t really gotten over it yet. He kinda hates me now.”

“I don’t hate you, Seunghyun.”

Minhwan just sighs and says, “Am I really the only sane person in this house? You two won’t talk to each other, those two,” He points to Jonghun and Hongki.” don’t even get me started on those two.... Gahhh! Can you two please make up? For me? Please?” He makes an undeniably adorable puppy dog face.

I don’t even think about my answer,

“ Maybe later. I’ve got to go pack now.”

Exiting the dining room I start to think about how close Seunghyun and I usually are. But fights come with friendship like fat comes with chocolate, I guess. A fight between us was bound to happen one of these days.


A/N: First chapter, written! Ah, that feels good. This story is a collaboration between me (styleskull) and kaipop, so even if you didn’t like my style of writing, please read chapter two, because it’s written by another author. I promise this fic will be extremely entertaining so please read on! And don’t forget to comment!!

fandom: f.t island, kail: fanfiction, seungjin, !fic! Démonter

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