I haven't posted in forever! Well, I just returned from a two week vacation this past week.. so that's partly why. And I still have nothing particularly interesting post.. just a doodle I drew @
ArtCorner.ORG while waiting for my bittorrents to download.
It turned out a bit.. sloppy. ^^; Oh, well, it's only a doodle, after all.
By the way, if anyone is actually reading this, can someone recommend any good fanfics? Naruto, Hikaru no Go, Yami no Matsuei, Prince of Tennis, etc., preferably of the shounen-ai variety? ^^; I would appreciate it.. (note: I'm not big on the angst. A little bit's okay, but I don't like stories that make me really depressed.. o.o; I guess I'm just strange like that..)