May 14, 2013 20:15
So my life seems like it is a game show sometimes. I am irritated that I seem un able to win. I know that there are a lot of things that I have brought upon myself. But that does not matter it is not why I am on here. I am on here to bitch about all the crazy stuff going on in my life and the stuff that is about to happen. First thing, I really wish Mike was making more of an effort to find a job. I am half tempted to start applying for places for him myself. I know it is hard to do with the kids around and all that jazz. Also it would be nice if he cleaned more often. Not that I am not guilty of being lazy and not cleaning. I just don't want to resent my husband for seeming like he is doing nothing all day while I am at work. If there was some ligitamite way he could work from home that would be awesome but not as far as I know. Secondly, Jackie was supposd to be out of here about 3-6 months after she moved in. It has now been a year. I dread all the time that we may lose this house we love so much because we are breaking our lease by letting her stay here. Also we really need the room she is staying in back so that Honor can have his own space and Phina can be out of our room. I still have no clue how to start that conversation though since I know she is not getting many hours at work. It is just that this was supposed to be a temporary situation and it doesn't feel like it is temporary any more. Also on the rare occasion that her and Mike physically touch I get a twang of unhappiness from the past situation. Third thing that is bugging me about my life is that Leyna, Mike and Kevin will be down here in about a month and I am not sure I am ready for it. The idea of having to see and deal with Kevin is not a happy one for me. I want to cry just thinking about it. I wish that I could feel happy for her and her choices but it hurts sometimes. I am not sure how I am gonna react to seeing him again. I think that is about all that is on my mind which is about my personal life.