Eric, thanks for showing me what I have to do...

Oct 02, 2002 15:17

Well, it sure has a been a while hasn't it. A lot of things have been going on. I really dont have a lot of time to talk because I have a paper I need to finish. But, to summarize some things up. I was a poor gullable diluded fool. I actually believed that Eric and I was going back to the way we were before. But I was wrong. I'm really angry at myself for actually thinking that things were going to work out for me and my best...... scratch that, my ex best friend. Im nothing more to him than a friend. heh. I find that kinda funny but more hurt. Even though he says I'm not replacable, thats what hes doing now. Today I was standing by him and so was his new friend. Apparently, we are getting a 3rd lunch because of so many people. Eric wants his new friend to be in his new lunch or it wouldnt be worth going at all. Yeah I know it's something small and stupid but ya know it's the small things that I notice. And without the small things, how could you know if things are changing or not. So he's just a person I know. To go on, my lil ninth grade friend, Ryan, is older than me by a day. I think we're gonna get split up at lunch. At least linsey and I are talking again. Well, I gotta go so I'll write one again soon.
(Eric if you do have the time to read this, don't talk to me about this. I dont care what you think and I'm finally moving on without you..... and I dont plan on turning back anytime soon. Maybe I am overreacting and maybe I will give in.... but it was your decision and I wont fight to make you change your mind... This was all you and you made a decision that I wasnt best friend material anymore. Or maybe I just got old....I respect your decision..... I'll tell you one thing though.... I'm not one of your girlfriends.... dont think I'mma come around just because you write a poem and say sorry.)
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