This crazy punk is still alive?

Sep 16, 2004 01:47

I figured it was about time for the time honored Tradition of the "Jon dissappearance." Anyway, AWA should be soon, and I need to hook up with Katy about this so I don't miss it or get caught off guard. I'm not sure she checks this often... could someone point this out to her if she doesn't notice? Thanks. I also read a few entries back that Michi can't afford to go. If thats still a problem how much do you need? I don't mind helping you out. I have plenty of cash thanks to summer camp.

Well I've been good. A lot has happened, naturally. Summer camp was... well quite frankly it sucked this year. I kinda figured it would. The Sally sisters were horrible to work for. Absolutely deplorable. I've never seen the path of righteousness so obstructed by such devote christians before. They are the biggest hypocrits I ever met. I won't go into all that here. I'll end up writing you a book about it. The good news is I managed to touch the life of many kids, as usual, but in particular a boy named peter. He was deathly afraid of hieghts. After nine hours of hard work and sticking to it he did the low rappell. Thats not much, only 13 feet high. Yet it was such an amazing accomplishment. I'm so proud of him. Needless to say, having begun his journey of defeating his fears, he went on to do bigger and better things that week.

Now that camp is over I'm back at Escalade. It's still the best year round job I've ever had. I'm looking to move on though. It's time to start looking at a real career doing this kind of stuff. I've been writing up my resume and looking at my options... I've come to realize that I'm very much qualified to get hired at places who pay a whole hell of a lot better than Escalade.

My real struggle has been at home, as usual. Yet an interesting oppurtunity has come my way. The parents of a friend of mine at camp have invited me into their home. They are extremely nice people. I haven't moved in yet but that possibility looks more and more real everyday. I'm actually there right now, and I have been for a couple days. I'm sort of splitting my time in half between here and home for now. Dad won't like it, but he can shove it. They live in woodstock. That works out great for me... I've wanted to live on this side of town for a long time. It's really close to my martial arts school(thank goodness), and it's closer to work and all my friends. Most notably it's far far away from Mom. *Sigh of relief*.

Speaking of martial arts... I went up to yellow belt recently. I should have long ago... back before camp. I passed the test with flying colors. Now I've been rushing to catch up. It's exhilerating... theres a stripe test next week, I'm trying to cram in all the new material, but it's hard. I may not make it in time, but all the same I've been practicing everyday and I love it. I don't really mind if I have to wait another month to get my next stripe. Experiencing my progress over the past 3 weeks or so has been so much fun. Taking these classes has been one of the best things I've done for myself in a long time. Not to mention my climbing has gotten a lot better too. I'm climbing 5.10's now. I climbed one to the top on my first try a few weeks ago. Life has been fairly good.

Well to wrap things up I want to say that I miss you all! It's been awhile but I've thought about all of you almost everyday. I hope your lives are all coming together and everyday is a gift of life worth cherishing.
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