(no subject)

Jun 24, 2012 15:05

Slow days they le continue, which means that I'm about as happy as can be. I love a boring life. Boring means I get to drink an endless amount of coffee and/or tea and hermit in front of my computer. I also get to go outside to have pointless walks around the neighbourhood and boss around that one annoying cat that continuously attempts to take a dump at the potato patch. That vuvuzela, I do need it.

But hey, moar photos from Finland? MOAR PHOTOS FROM FINLAND

Runebergin lähde at Ruovesi. It's a spring that's named after Runeberg although naturally it was a well-known sight long before he was even born.

I love this place. The only downside are the mosquitoes.

On our way home we stopped at Vehoniemi Car Museum. Free admittance to the exhibition + home baked donuts OMG YES.

Me at cake buffet at Kakkugalleria. For 11E you get to eat as much cake as you like. Three slices is a maximum one serving but after you're done with them you can go get seconds, thirds etc. for as long as you like! That lemon meringue tart, how do I miss thee.

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This video puts all my homesickness in one elegant, tight package. ;^; Heeeelsiiinkiiiiihhhhhh~

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