My grandad's funeral was on Thursday. Can't say I was looking forward to it, but it was a good service, and it wasn't too long, either, which I think he would've preferred (Not that we had a choice, though. Canley Crematorium was fully booked, and services could only be half an hour each). I got upset at the start, it just came out of nowhere, and I cried for about five minutes. But after that, I felt much better. I was really glad to see so many family come down for the service. Friends and neighbours, too. The wake afterwards was great, plenty of food and drink, and Lexie put a smile on everyone's face. Funny how one so small and unaware can take the cloud off our heads. I hope I can be a father someday.
I went into town today, and I couldn't get out fast enough. I was paranoid beyond belief! Too many school kids milling about, looking shifty. I haven't had any Citalopram for over a month now, I can't be bothered to repeat the subscription. Maybe I should, but I don't think they work right. I want to try something else. They still haven't given me a date for when I'll get to speak to the counsellor at the hospital.
Got an email from one of the people I cut myself off from the other day, too. It was the typical shit I expected from them. I no longer feel any guilt for doing what I did, dead weights should cast off to the bottom of the sea.