Jul 06, 2010 01:17
masturbation is making love with yourself. if only if were that simple right.
i could vent of all the dumb things going on in my life, like being super broke and not knowing if i'll ever get it right. but i don't like wasting my time or yours on stupid shit that doesn't really change by talking about it.
summers been going good. new prospects makes me happy, and no hair on the chest is a green flag for go.
i'm lost, but soon i think i'll be found once more. the pattern never changes, but that's why there's hope.
i still am confused as to why so many people fear death. also i find it a bit disturbing that i'm one of the few who doesn't mind the concept of the whole process. the only things i fear are spiders and heights, an never finding true love if it even is out there. at least i've got that going for me.
commence the laughter that saved us all.