May 30, 2013 12:12
If one day you relized you have so little time left what would you do? We, normal people continuously wished our dreams big. Continuously chasing it, sometimes to the extend that it blinded us, putting us off track. But have you ever think, if one day you have only very little time left, what would you do?
Living with someone so dear to me with a chronic disease named cancer had made me realized a lot. It is easy for us to say but seeing the war that she is fighting I know it is never easy. More like none of it is easy. They are all heros. Being around her had made me more concious in a lot of ways, including the people surrounding us. It might look easy, they might always plaster a smile on their face, but how happy they actually are? Watching her, watching a lot other documentary made me realized that they are only pretending to be strong because they want others not to worry, they want others to be happy.
Maybe people is very selfish, but I think when you know and remember that your time are limited you become very selfless. A lot of people might not had experience it, but maybe one day when you are at the verge of it you would know. I don't feel it either, the feelings of getting into hospital and worrying that you might not ever be discharge and such. But seeing them, knowing it, imagine you are like walking towards the God of Death with a warning. It actually requires a lot, a lot of courage.
I know when you watch the niece of your friend died from bone cancer you were crying out hard. Maybe even thinking when is your turn, but I hope it will never come. I know you felt the pain. I feel it too. It is so scary to have someone around you whom is so sick.
Today is the day the report would be out. It feels like we are waiting for our penalty. I can only hope and pray for the best of you. I know God didn't made your path easy. I pray to Him to give you the courage to go through everything.