Nov 25, 2009 05:28
The following shall be a rant about Twilight. If you like Twilight, or don't like ranting or awesome shit, don't read it. Ye have been warned!
I finally watched Twilight. I laughed the entire way through. I just... I don't understand how anyone can find that movie anything close to decent. I mean... different strokes and all, but still.
Also, I swear to God, if I see that 'and so the lion fell in love with the lamb' bullshit on one more blog/journal/tweet/facebook status/ANYTHING, I will do BAD THINGS. BAD THINGS WITH FIRE.
If I had money to burn, I'd go see New Moon and sit in the theater, in prime real estate, and I'd just sit and rip paper the entire movie. Like my brother's friend did during Lord of the Rings. Just my way to protest the stupidity. :D (and if I REALLY had money to burn, it would be pages from one of the fucking BOOKS I'd be ripping) But I'm not about to hand ANY money over to see that movie. Even if I do think Taylor Lautner is a little hottie.
Also... the sparkling? ALMOST as bad as Emma Frost's 'diamond' skin in the Wolverine movie. Seriously. And how the FUCK is sparkly skin a bad thing, anyway? Aren't vampires supposed to... I don't know... BURN in the sun??
In conclusion... I tried it, and I hated it. Stop fucking giving me shit for 'judging something without trying it!' I wasted hours of my life with that festering turd of a movie, and those are hours I'll never get back. And now, I'm going to go watch classic, gory horror movies to get the nasty taste out of my mouth.