(no subject)

Apr 04, 2012 15:59

as an exercise

Charles Darwin (Chair; Secretary of inquiry and Decorum)
Thich Nhat Hahn (Secretary of Human Ethics)
Homer the Blind (Secretary of Epics)
Barbara McClintock (Secretary of Mystic Naturalism)
Carl Sagan (Secretary of High Truths)
Richard Feynman (Secretary of True Explanation)
Aldo Leopold (Secretary of Deep Ecology)
Tom Montag (Secretary of Plain Seeing)

Darwin for obvious reasons
detail oriented undoggable explorer of nature
perfect kind gentleman in disagreement

Nhat Hahn for his moral compass of compassion
and being present

Homer for heroics
and a good time
and a full life

McClintock as patient deeply connected observer
with a feeling for the organism

Sagan as dispenser of high truths of the universe
as inspiration

Feynman to cut to the heart of a matter
for understanding at the deepest level

Leopold for his sense of connection
and caution in tinkering

to see reality
and say it plainly

and probably you disagree
and probably they disagree with each other
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