Nov 20, 2005 02:42
I have not felt this incredibly detached from normal life in a long long time. And the crazy thing is that I was just in CT last weekend to see all the WCSU people. Nonetheless it feels like that was a long long time ago.
I had this paper due see?
An annotative bibliography including 20 published research papers on a topic of my choice. I ended up using 18 empirical, one meta analysis, and a review paper.
Topic? Traits effecting leadership.
Have you ever tried to read even...I dunno 5 research articles in a day? Your brain gets a little fuzzy after a while. I honestly believe I have a blind spot in one of my eyes now from staring alternately at tiny printed type and the screen of my laptop. I am also going to need to see a chiropractor for the neck problem I developed from sitting slouched in my non-ergonomic chair for 4 days straight.
Yeah thats right - 4 DAYS STRAIGHT. Now when I say that... I don't mean work a little here... stop and eat, play a PS2 game. Come back to things and work a little more, sleep, get up eat, work, play ect ect.
I mean - Sit in a chair until your ass detaches from your body and your eyes dry out and stop moving correctly. I mean sleep for 3 hour stints every 16 to 18 hours because thats the maximum time you can spare and still manage to stay partially awake while highlighting articles, then composing, typing, and editing the summaries of TWENTY FREAKIN RESEARCH ARTICLES!
The final paper a turned in was 58 pages in length.
Shoot me?
I think my friend Rebecca described the situation best by saying something along the lines of "I thought when I finished it would feel like a great accomplishment or like some weight had come off my shoulders not so much...I just feel like crawling into bed for a couple days straight"
I agree. I think someone should do a study about how insane term papers can actually induce major depressive episodes in students.
Never again. NEVER NEVER again. I had weeks to do this - but NO I unfortunately Im ME which means procrastination and lack of motivation.
Truely. I have never spent 4 days as miserable as this tuesday - friday were. Well...with the exclusion of a few extra special family occassions that were out of my control.
Anyway what Im saying is that I am committed to never doing this again. Waiting until the last minute like this is insanity. I will learn how to divide my work so that I am not swamped at the end of a project. Because seriously another week like this and would need some serious inpatient care.
So that has been my week so far.
As for last weekend... CT was great. I got a chance to see almost the entire WCSU crew. I also saw my Uncle Dave and Aunt Rose, and saw Colleen for an afternoon too. All in all I think I packed in more in one weekend then I did in a semester when I was at WCSU.
Got in Thursday night and went straight to Karaoke and got to visit with around 20 of the WCSU crew as well as Scott, Rob, and a few other non-WCSUers.
Friday I slept till 10 and then went over to campus to say hello to some of the professors. Had lunch with Eddie, Jones, and Bighouse. Did a little shopping then went back to Grasso and hung around and watched Jen kill off Sims in the Sims 2 (I brought my laptop to entice her with). I have to note here that I have never seen ANYONE so horrifically bad at the Sims as Jen. It is really an amazing thing to watch, I tried to show Dominic when I got back to Chicago and it was impossible for me to replicate. Anyway Jen and Jones and I basically spent a night with the girls and had a lot of fun.
Sat I spent most of the day with my aunt and uncle. Then I came back to Grasso after dinner and the girls threw me a Mimosa party. Jones is incredibly funny after only 2 mimosas. I love a cheap date :). I have the love note she composed to me hanging on the wall in my apartment, and a few lingering bruises from the amount of dry humping a recieved from both her and Jen. All Shelly and Mary gave me were these stupid sun blisters. Bastards.
Anyway - sunday I went up to see Colleen before heading back to the airport. We had lunch and walked around westfarms (Yes Shelly bought a coach bag and now Colleen wants one. My mothers comment about that - "She wants I coach bag? I dont even have a freakin coach bag".). Then I headed back to the airport around 5pm and got back to the apartment around 9pm.
It was a great weekend - Thanks to everyone who came by to say hello, I had a wonderful time.