At the insistent behest of those who shall remain nameless (though I am sure they all know who they are), I am posting an entry to the journal made by
rambo_hellhound .
I do have to admit that, when is it phrased? "Logged on"?...I looked through the available themes I could alter this venue to display, but the hellhound actually chose a decent one. The one I would have chosen.
Perhaps he did it to ensure that I would use what he "made". Or simply to make it less annoying.
Either way, I think I have satisfied those demanding that I "say something" here.
I truly wonder how that happened. Perhaps it was just that I simply wanted the moment's peace that this will earn me. This way when "those who shall remain nameless" ask me in that tone of voice (and you all know to which tone I'm referring) if I "wrote something in the journal Rambo made for you", I can affirm that I did so, and enjoy said moment's peace.
Of course, this could lead to other "demands", but I shall manage those as they present themselves.
I bid you all a fair evening.
~ Kyle