Oct 31, 2012 13:51
2013 has to be better. Right? Right?
I posted a while back with great pictures of our apartment complex coming in without warning and tearing up our kitchen. Well. When they put it back together, we had a kitchen floor of part linoleum and part cement. We've been waiting for them to replace the floor. Actually, it also took them months to fix the actual counters - our counters were put together half-assed for a while. They finally took care of that, so all we had to do is get the stupid floor fixed.
They replaced it last week. However, when laying the linoleum, there are bubbles in it. It's uneven. It actually looks like they used contact paper, not linoleum - it's that type of a look. Ugly. Unprofessional. I think it's because it's cheap linoleum. Unacceptable, but it is livable. But the hubby didn't like it.
So hubby went to the office to complain. They basically blew him off with an "It looks fine to us" answer. Manager even said that she would rent the apartment looking like that. Ewwww. Of course, this place has gone through new management several times now. Anyway, the manager goaded him, he got mad, started spouting off with things like, "I'm so mad I feel like burning this place down," "I'm so mad I feel like throwing a chair through the window." Which,
of course, they took as a threat. HE thinks he was just telling him his feelings, but...end result is that they gave us a 30-day notice to vacate the premises.
The thing now is that Russ thinks we are responsible for the rest of the lease. The manager told me that they terminated the lease, which means we are not responsible. It even says that in the rental agreement. I want to get started packing, because ... 30 days, man! 29 now.
We already went to another apartment complex to check them out, explained the situation and she said that we should not be responsible. He still doesn't believe it, so he got a lawyer. (!!!!) Lawyer is going to get it in writing.
I'm so ... I can't even explain how I feel. Not homicidal. Disgusted, I think. Maybe I'm too passive. There are things you just don't do. You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger. And you don't mess around with landlords, food service staff, parking lot attendants, nurses, or Jim.