Lock me away

Feb 04, 2009 23:41

Written for abeautifulsiren Takes place two days before this.

It was late in the afternoon when duty allowed Kailin to return to the Estate. After greeting his mother and Deljah he was told his guest had went to the gardens. No one had to tell him where Lyssie had found herself. As expected he found the form standing at the edge of the pond. It was a beautiful spot where the rose garden meandered right up to the pond. Cattails and pond lilies mingled with starlaces which were just beginning to glow in the falling light.

“My lady.” Kailin spoke softly.

Lyssie responded with a single smile over her shoulder. No words were needed. Kailin could feel the happiness she felt without even trying to use his skills.

“It does my hearts well to see you so happy.” Kailin walked up besides her taking in the deep purples and fuchsia that were the sunset in the Davo atmosphere.

Lyssie stood for a moment before leaning her head on his shoulder. “I have never seen colors like that in the sky.”

“Methane in our atmosphere and several other gases not present on Earth produce the colors.” Kailin explained.

Lyssie was listening but her eyes were watching the colors reflect off the water surface. A content feeling settled over her and Kailin wrapped an arm around her waist. It was a nice feeling, a close feeling that Kailin hadn’t had in years. He could feel other things. Lyssie felt safe with him. She felt respected and respected him. It didn’t take listening to her feelings to know. They were readily expressed and projected from her as part of the relaxation she was feeling.

“You should return in the winter. The skies are far more spectacular than this one.” Kailin pulled her a little closer. It wasn’t a conscious choice. It just seemed right.

“I thought your planet was tropical?” She looked up curiously.

“It is but there are variations. Our atmosphere composition changes slightly as the planet comes nearer or farther from the sun.” Kailin was happy just to teach her of his home. Lyssie stared up with the wonder of a child and the happiness reserved for people much closer than they were.

The moment seemed perfect. He’d had few moments like this with anyone. He hadn’t had the time. With service and the estate and all his duties life had been put on hold. Kailin had given up his time for anything to better his people, his family and the life his daughter would have. It was in these moments that he questioned that path. Sometimes he wondered and dreamed about what he had lost in his life and with his wife. He missed her but he knew their time had passed.

“Kailin. Is something wrong?”

“Oh.” Kailin snapped out of it and smiled. “Just memories. Being out here makes me think of all the choices I’ve made in my life. I’m sure many people feel the same when faced with this environment.”

Lyssie nodded and smiled before leaning her head back on his shoulder. Her eyes though were still looking at him. Kailin searched her eyes shortly before he felt something he couldn’t place. It was like a song you could barely remember a friend singing to you once long ago. In all his life he’d never felt such a subtle and consuming pull at his mind. There was something about her that he could not place beyond a need to be closer to her and that he knew her, had known her all his life. The only problem was that he hadn’t known her long at all. Still his senses swirled down that path that she was pulling him on.

He tried briefly to break that connection but as he pulled back he felt isolation and loneliness. Kailin relented and before another heartbeat passed his lips had pressed to hers. He had felt attraction to her but this was something all together different. She’d pulled down his defenses. She would know he was fond of her but this was an action that he couldn’t resist.

His senses came back and he pulled abruptly away. Lyssie was stunned and Kailin felt embarrassed. He searched for words but found none that seemed right. The draw was still there. All he could think of was kissing her again. She was like being in the very presence of pure music that consumed him. He took another step back.

“My apologies. I should go.” With a quick bow and reddened cheeks Kailin all but fled from her presence. He went straight to his quarters and locked himself in. Once there he slumped into the chair and cried. For an empath to break the connection he was starting to feel was more crushing than heartbreak. It was the hurt as if she was miles, light years from here though she was only a moment’s walk away. He hadn’t known this was happening until it had and then it was too late.

Kailin pulled himself together and sat there in the still darkened room trying to close down the place inside she had opened. She was in there now and he tried frantically to close it away out of his mind.

Words: 867

lyssie, davo, fiction, requests

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