Apr 03, 2005 13:59

well lets start at march 27: Easter sunday. it went pretty well everyone got to brunch on time no complaints there. then it was off to aunt paula's, where we talked about next feb.'s cruise. ( everyone wants to go on royal Caribbean in that house.) i have one aunt that sways anyway the wind blows and doesn't care. I have a set of grand parents that want to go on princess or where every my immediate family goes. So finally we chose princess. but of course it wouldnt be right if they didnt bring it up everytime we talk about it, to say they dont like that cruise. ITS BORING ITS THIS ITS THAT!. who cares i mean really dont come, spend thousands of dollars and be a pain in the ass! now all of a sudden my aunt is bringing a couple that is friends with them. ITS A FAMILY TRIP!! not bring who ever the hell you want! am i right? i also got early b~day presents $60.00 from my grandmother and all together at my aunt paula's 75.00 March28: i went my grandmother's to say good bye to my cousin Joey who is going back to jersey where he lives. Thats when he decided to tell me that he thinks i am hispanic. yeah me hispanic... just cant see it for some reason.... do you? then i went to the mall with mom and she told me to flat out we are shopping for your birthday right now. i was like oooook nothing interesting there next day march 29: I got home open stuff for my birthday. I got new adidas(white ones), money from my parents, serendipity, maroon5, my sis built me a bear.ya know the basic. Then i skipped dance to go out to dinner with Mom, Dad, Rocco, lauren and michelle( her friend from belchertown and wsc.) we went to applebees. it was pretty good... just like anywhere else. then all of a sudden i hear this loud clapping and then everyone in the restaurant went dead silent and they had a cake i almost curled up and died! they sang really loud and i turnd bright red. iall i could think of doing was sit there and look at my parents and tell them how much i hated them for doing that. buy of course like i said i just couldnt think of anything else at that point. i dont really hate them. then we let and then the night was over, i was 15. March30: nothing today really because mainly i dont remember.March 31: well today god claimed on soul. MRS. Terri Shivo( i think its spelled wrong so sorry if it is.) i think it was awful how everyone just let her die that way. she starved to death and i am so positive that if it was my child i wouldnt want to see them die that way. i guess its because i know of three people that made it out of acoma and are fine. 1 being my caticism teacher. he was hit in the head really hard when he was 16 and in acoma for 30 day. on that day his preist gave him his last rights and so forth and that afternoon he woke up. the priest came and asked him questions like who long do you think you have been here and what happend. he didnt know why he was there adn he thought he was there for 2 days. his priest said no youve been here for 30 days.2 is my aunt barbara. She was in a hit and run car accident and she is now in a wheel chair for life. joey was in the car with her at the time but he is fine. i know all this because of things ive been told and also because i spent the first 3 years f my life in a hospital. 3 was this guy i say the saturday before easter. i was in the mall, in a little story and this lady and this group of people came into the store. they came up to the cashier, where my sister had been paying for some things . the lady asked the cashier if he remember her. he replied saying, yes i do but i dont know why. she stepped aside and said do you remember a couple of months ago i came asking for donations to help bright my son that has been in acoma for 5 months home? he said yes i do. she then went on to tell him that the man in the wheel chair, smiling and laughing was her son. he came home and is recovering. and thats it for thrusday. April 1: today was daddy's birthday. he gave us stuff even though it was his day. we got our new cell phones! they take pictures!fun fun! and thats it for today April 2: i had a paryt with family at my grandmother's house. i got more money and now i have 323.oo bucks! i think i will buy a mini i pod on that matches my newly fixed laptop. we all got into a big fight . then the pope died. being catholic and all it was a pretty sad day. to make it worse at 9 o' clock that night we got a call from my aunt saying that my other aunt died. so to make a long tory short THIS DAY SUCKED! ext day. today i didnt do much i watched serendipity on tv because i didnt feel like pulling out my laptop. i had to explain it to dad every little part. and then i hepled bake cookies and nw i am seeing if i had homework and finding out when i can go shopping for the spainsh project due thrusday and not a day sooner. sorry for writing too much but it had to come out!

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