(no subject)

Oct 19, 2010 20:02

Music made with bees - You can even download the sound file, in case you want to make your own bee music.

Modern-day fallout shelters (a Human Habitrail!) - Doesn't look terribly homey, but you'd be safe, I suppose...  Luckily, in case the end of the world occurs, you probably already know the skills necessary for survival, thanks to movies.

The media is claiming that bread was around 30,000 years ago, when the cavemen were around.  Not so.  Scientists found evidence of ground starch, but of the 9 different plants identified, most were roots, and only one was a seed (grains, like what are in bread, are seeds from grasses).

E.O. Wilson and Harrison Ford as you to give a damn about biodiversity - A call for science writing that is American-public friendly, becuase "an uneducated public is a dangerous public."

ETA - Human flag gymnastics.   Wow.  :o

science, links

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