Lockdown mode

Feb 10, 2008 11:16

Interesting article:  Why this deaf woman supports Obama

Yesterday was incredibly unproductive.  Today might be stressful...or else I'll just stop caring and spend the day looking at vegetarian recipes online.  Allison decided yesterday we need to go into "lockdown mode", where we sit at our respective computers and write our papers, and come out at designated time intervals for food.  We tried, but we're far too social for that to work right.

-WORK ON HONORS PROJECT!!!1!  (Includes sections on tips, history, current stuff, and personal experience; email people about interviews)  (am halfway through one history section and have contacted a couple people about interviews)
-Mythology - chapter 5
-Plant phys - chapter 15  (read a few pages, but it's over 20 pages long...like I have time to read that?)
-3M grant form  (Just need to edit)
-reimbursement form for UCD  (Half done)
-racquetball (Saturday at 1:30pm)
-grade 30 gen bio assignments (15 each of a journal article assignment and a pre-lab assignment)
-clean apartment (and make everyone else helps)

Also did yoga yesterday after racquetball. 

roommates, links, political stuff, to do, deaf

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