Finals day

Dec 12, 2006 15:28

Two finals done, one more to do. That and a tiny bit of a homework assignment left, and then I'm DONE. The gen bio poster session is tomorrow, but I don't have to do anything but show up for that.

Jimmy's finals was okay. I think. We had to watch two stories, tell the graphic organizer for each (chain of events, comparison, etc), write down the concepts, and draw a picture for each. That was fine, especially since we'd seen the stories before. The second story we had to retell. I'd seen it before, and retold it before, so it wasn't too big a deal (other than that it was a final and I had to make sure to do everything right and all). Problem - I don't really remember telling the story. It seemed to go by awfully fast, but apparently I took three minutes to retell the story, because the VCR said 7 when I started and 10 when I ended. So hopefully things were okay. I know it was definitely more conceptual and ASL than the original, which is what he wanted, but other than that I can't really remember what I said or did.

ASL final was really easy, but involved a lot of writing, so my hand hurts. I hardly ever write anymore, since I don't take many notes and usually type papers on the computer instead of writing by hand. Yay for technology...except when my hand is out of shape.

Now I just have Cara's final, which I'm nervous about because I don't really know what to expect, or what she wants. I also don't feel that great, and really just want to curl up and watch tv or movies, which I probably will do anyway, since my timeslot isn't until 8pm (ew).

Had biology luncheon today. Pizza, and lots of salads and snacks and desserts. Yum. Except they got two veggie pizzas, and two everything pizzas, and nothing in between. What? I picked the onions and peppers off the veggie pizza. We were all supposed to wear a biology t-shirt, which I dutifully willingly did. I <3 my biology shirts. Chris insisted on a picture of everyone (11 students and profs!) in their shirts. That was interesting...his photography skills are limited. WE're supposed to wear biology shirts again tomorrow, for the gen bio poster session. I plan to wear the long sleeved blue version of the one I have on today (just so you know I am not wear the same shirt twice in a row). It's so comfy.

Homework time, then L Word time. And/or maybe a nap.
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