(no subject)

Dec 11, 2006 10:59

I have half a cold. Only the right side of my head has a cold - my right sinuses are congested, my right nostril is stuffy and running, the right side of my throat hurts, and the right side of my head has a sinus headache. The left side feels perfectly fine. Unfortunately, half a cold still requires a whole kleenex, so hopefully the marketplace still has kleenex. I'm almost out.

I emailed my mother re haircut this morning. She just emailed back with a huge list of "buts" - I'll have to cut it more often (which could be problematic in DC, but other people do it, so whatever), and it might require more time and effort than what I do now. Both valid points, but a) she could be a little more supportive, and b) I'm still going to do it. But after Christmas, I guess, since she asked, and I assumed that anyway. I doubt I could get an appointment before then, at this point.

I have two papers down, one paper and one assignment left to go. My medical forms for Gally are set and ready to be mailed after lunch, and I have a bunch of other forms that are ready to be distributed around Derham this afternoon. Financial aid is mostly set (had to take out a loan, but it's one that doesn't have interest, so that's not too bad), and just needs a form or two signed, and another dropped off. Meeting with ASL dept chair is this afternoon, and I have my printouts of the class descriptions from Gally and CSC highlighted and ready. The sign languages and sign systems class I want to take at Gally has a lot of overlapping material with the description of Language in Society, so I'm hoping that'll work out well. Cross your fingers.

All my classes and finals and papers will be done by tomorrow night. W00t! Then I can sit around for two days and do nothing, before I move back to my parent's house. Well, have to pack, but that shouldn't take terribly long, I don't think.

gallaudet, sick, homework, hair

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