Take time to breathe

May 15, 2006 16:11

Woke up at 8, at work by 9, spent from 10-11:30 (stayed late!) helping clean off and fiddle with the computers in lab 18 becuase they were running uberly slow. Ate lunch while grading quizzes, and finished by 1. Checked email, packed up stuff, and went off to animal-work and errands. Turned in quizzes and grades, talked to Pellegrini about doing a research project next summer while he walked Otis (his Schnoodle - schnauzer/poodle mix) in the quad. He gave me a book about right/left brain stuff that looks really interesting. Informed Dr. Norton about double majoring - as my advisor she should probably know, worked in the animal room for an hour. One male was looking very ill, so I changed their water and he perked up a bit. Topped off fish tanks, fed Ezi and cleaned up her tank a bit, fed aquatic critters (crap, forgot the goldfish and cory!), made Kepler go for a run while I cleaned their cage. I'll tackle the dishes tomorrow. Went to the ASL dept to see if they should/could sign my add/drop form except no one was there, sold back ethics book, returned home. Discovered PDA decided to reset itself and am currently trying to remedy that.

Today's to do list:
-analyze The Tempest for courtship stuff
-look at Shakespeare/courtship books
-ASL worksheets
-grade quizzes and turn in grades
-talk to Pellegrini
-clean fishtank
-email Uncle Aric (emailed mom to get his address first) (I wonder if his address is on Danger's website?  Nope.)
-email ethics TA about paper
-email Carly and Angie about TAing
-add/drop classes (Can't until I find out if I need a signature)
-work in the animal room
-bug Jenny about project
-find a recording of the Bach double
-uptown for dinner for Amanda's bday

Ugh, that's a lot.

ETA: I look out the window, and it's suddenly pouring rain. It's been sunny all afternoon, and I can see blue sky out my window! Yet it's pouring rain!?! This weather is weeeeeeird. (I do like the cooler temps though, so it better stay like that.)

animal room, weather, school

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