So I thought I'd do something fun this season with Hawaii Five-0! Every week, I'll put up a request post for you guys to requests scenes from the week's episode to be made into animations. Requests will be open for three days, from Tuesday to Friday. Once the post closes Friday, I'll create the requested scenes over the weekend and post them Monday before show time! Here is the first episode!
Hawaii Five-0 Weekly Animation Request - Season 2, Episode 1
-- Anyone can request.
-- Please be specific with which scene you'd like to see animated.
-- Limit to 2 requests per person each week.
-- All animations will be 200x100 sidebar sized to keep the filesize down.
-- Please only request scenes from the current week's episode. I'll be opening a request post once a month for past episodes.
List of Requests
-- Kono saving herself.
-- Steve/Danny, jumping onto the boat.
-- Steve/Danny, rearview mirror looks.
-- Jenna in the car with Wo Fat.
-- Steve unconscious in Max's bathroom.
-- Steve barechested on Max's couch.
-- Steve/Danny jailhouse phonecall.
-- Max's joyride.
-- Max holding up his Star Trek keychain.
-- Steve escaping the police officer in the gas station bathroom.
-- Steve in the police uniform.
-- Steve working out in his cell.
-- Steve wondering why Danny's yelling at him.
-- Hess/Steve, Hess stabbing Steve.
-- Hess/Steve, Hess whispering to Steve.
-- Steve surrendering.
-- Chin at the Governor's funeral, seeing Wo Fatt in the crowd.