I'm running late this week, having to do my midterm exam essay and other school stuff. Hawaii Five-0 Episode 2 of Season 2 will be up by tomorrow night, as well as the completed requests and the requests for Episode 2.
I have gotten one thing done today, and that was the Terra Nova 1.01 screencaps. I don't know if anyone on my f-list watched it/will watch it but it was pretty amazing, but according to my brothers I'm easily entertained!
Terra Nova 1x01: Genesis, HD + Logoless
~2,626 caps to download from Megaupload or Mediafire
full size samples and download links at here at my cap comm cap-house One more little update, I'll be adding sorted caps to Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 premiere and I'll also be starting to cap Charlie's Angels, CSI - both present and past seasons, and CSI NY - present and past, as well as a host of other shows that I crammed into my cluttered life!! :D