A dream I just had

Sep 01, 2007 06:20

Hello, all:

It's probably just the fog of sleep talking, but for some reason I felt really passionate about making sure I got this dream down somewhere, while it was still fresh enough to remember most of it. I've filled in a few gaps here and there.

"It's going to be great. We're going to use this for all our sort of modern-based gaming from now on," Kyle said enthusiastically, while Kristin looked on, mirroring his excitement.

"You realize I'm going to think this is stupid, right?" I ask, and am somewhat heartened that they both nod reluctantly. "And anyway, why does Harrah's even have a roleplaying game system?"

"That's what I thought, too, at first," Kyle admits, "but it's really cool."

"I like the damage a stick does," Kristin declares.

Kyle grins broadly. "Oh yeah, that was awesome!"

I raise an eyebrow. "Okay, I'll look at it, but I honestly can't imagine an amount of damage a stick could do that would make me say 'Oh. This is actually not stupid at all.'"

I pull out a battered, much-photocopied sheet from my own papers and start looking it over. It's a character sheet, but it has sidebars with rules information. I start to read, then realize I have the wrong thing. "Oh, wait, this is mine, it's from the Caesar's Palace RPG." I set it down and Kristin hands me her Harrah's sheet. As I'm looking it over, I see the Attributes block, and it looks like this:
  • STR: 30%
  • DEX: 40%
  • Mind: 60%
  • SVEN DLOK: 10%
Percentages, I think. Why does everybody always think that's a good idea? And, great, they decided their made-up magic/kung-fu/whatever MacGuffin system is worthy of being a main stat. "Sven dlok? Seriously?"

Kyle hurries to address what he seems to think is my concern, "Oh, don't worry, Kevin says you'll have the necessary prerequisites for that in your background already."

Crap. If Kevin's in on it, it's really too late to avoid playing at least a session with this... thing. I guess I'll have to learn it. Say, I wonder how much damage a stick does. Looking down the sheet, I see that a stick does a flat amount of damage equal to your attack bonus.

That is so stupid.

Well, there you have it. I hope it was somewhat amusing to someone other than myself. (But honestly I can live with just having amused myself.)

--Jake out

gaming, random

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