Just can't find the words...

May 28, 2009 18:16

I'm stuck at trying to figure out how to explain to my honey that I wouldn't mind his solo gaming at a friends every Friday after work, if I also got a day/evening a week to play parental hookie. I've gotten less than one handful of evenings/afternoons of being able to go play without a kid in tow since the wee one was born. He's been getting every Friday evening for about 2-3 months now. Not counting the evenings he just went over to a friends place after work and lost track of time. Even when he is home, I'm still the one who changes 95% of the diapers and does the feeding of the wee one. So I can't just go paint for hours. I keep having to stop to check on the baby.

I also (kinda) understand the desire to escape when Jake comes over for the weekend. Jake was hard to deal with before he hit the teen years, and now he has, he's even worse. But when he vacates the apartment, I end up with both of the kids, leaving me feeling abandoned.

I know our social circle is shrinking due to life. People grow, develope different interests, move for work, etc... I've gone through this before, but my honey hasn't. (Heck, I barely have any contact with my high school buddies. The only one I still have contact with, I talk to about once a month, see maybe twice a year.) But the few 'offers' we've gotten to expand our circle of friends has been for him alone. IE friends wanting to take him away for an afternoon when Jake is here. But that just leaves me feeling alone and resentful. It seems like the only ideas for expanding our social scene that he likes are for him alone. And any that I give out that could expand BOTH of our social circles gets shot down...

Right now my 'social life' consists of ims (rarely outside of the game group or Lyne), mmo's that I usually end up soloing, working for Lyne, maybe 2-3 times of going out to eat a month, trips to the grocery store, and game.

I just don't know how to tell him what I've been feeling without getting him on the defensive. *headdesk*
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