And now I must hunt down a Domistic Bliss icon....

Dec 06, 2008 23:58

Or totally make myself one once I put my stuff back on Hannalore.

This totally proves to you just how homesick I am at the moment. I was surfing the web for Speculass recipes and came across the wikipedia
article for Hutspot, which lead me to Stamppot and Sauerkraut (for the record the way they list the Dutch way of making this is right and oh! so tasty), which lead me to.... BITTERBALLEN!!!!  Which lead me to a recipe for Bitterballen.

Which is writen in dutch.........

Of which I can understand 5 words.  From stareing at it and remembering staring at my Oma's dutch cookbooks trying to make sense of this weird language that I have only ever heard.

Thank goodness I go to the island in January to visit my parents.  Because Pappy is making me Kroket!  Serously doesn't it look tasty and wonderful?

family - the gift that keeps giving, domestic bliss

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