Taking my own advice and startling somewhat regular link love posts.
Sweetcron - Open source lifestreaming site. This is a site that tracks your friends multiple sites including Flickr and Twitter. It's in public beta right now and I'm waiting to see if they will have a Linux client for me to test out. If so it would be exciting news if they track LJ and DA as well.
Multicolr Search Lab - A Flickr search engine by colour. This handy little site sorts through Flickrs Creative Commons and sorts it by colour for us.
Moist - As if Dr. Horrible wasn't enough for us. Dark Horse is now bringing us the story of Moist.
Got Craft? - This is a huge craft fair over on Commercial Dr. happening this Sunday that I would like to go do. I don't think that Penta will want to attend with me but may-be I can see about going with SIL.