It's been a while since I have sat down and actually wrote something here. I can't really say it is because my life has been crazy of late (although that is partially it). It is mostly because I am lazy and spending most of my time reading
Gravity and a fantastic smutty Avatar Fan Fic. So I am going to try to keep this short but still a good update on what has been going on this past week or so.
Sundays seem to have become Date Day for Penta and I. I have filed a request at work to have either Saturdays or Sundays off to spend with him. After over four weeks of not having a day off with him I was getting to the point of, "I need some time with my husband goddamnit!" My work being wonderful has listened to me (on the first request too!) and seems to be trying to give me Sundays off. So now the two of us spend our day going for walks and doing the grougery shopping for the week.
Tuesday this week I got to see
skyfrog, which was wonderful. It was nice to get some time with a friend and to catch up on everything going on up in PG. I still miss everyone like crazy though. Penta and I are really hoping in the spring or in the summer to try to plan a trip up there to visit.
skyfrog being the wonderful person that she is picked me up a new book, Gravity by Leanne Lieberman for my birthday. It is a fantasic read although one of the characters in it really annoy me and pisses me off. This book is a lesbian coming of age story about a teenage orthodox jew and her realization that she likes girls and not boys. It is insanely well written. I have only had it for about 3 days now and I am already half way through it.
Wednesday I got to go over to North Vancouver and spend the day with my Grandmother helping her get the shopping done that she needed. She was done to two eggs in her whole place for food! My sister and I got the shopping done and we managed to get her in for her flu shot too. It was great to see the two of them but I really worry about my grandma. She will lose her train on thought in the middle of a sentance and is really slowing down. I fear that she may not be around much longer so I am going to try to go over and visit with her every two weeks or so.
Oh! And one last thing before I disappeare into the night. I was talking with my Manager the other day at work. My STC is moving out of that possition. They are considering me for consulant finally! They are going to try to train me up for it as quickly as possible. I be very happy and excited. I also told them that in five years I do see myself going for a management possition.