(no subject)

Oct 20, 2007 21:43

Halloween's my favorite holiday. I can't wait for it. Something about the atmosphere feels really familiar and almost ... comforting. Which I suppose is odd, but even so. Spooky doesn't bother me, I guess.

Got everything for my costume today. Thanks again for helping me, Lala. I think it'll turn out well.

What're you gonna be, Sora? You want to dress up with me? -shyly.-

How about you guys, Fai? Kurogane? Maybe you should be a damsel in distress and Kurogane can be your knight, eh Fai? -wink.-

Guess I'm going to head to the kitchens and carve a pumpkin, now. I found a few really complex patterns that would be fun to try, but I'm not sure I can pull them off. We'll see.

Couldn't find that girl. We searched all day and night for her. I really hope she's not lost. People just disappear here, and we never find them again. It unnerves me. I don't know what I would do if that happened to Sora. I don't even want to think about it.

I hope Fai's alright. He takes these things harder than the rest of us.

Edit: ((OOC: Riku's paying Lala for making his costume for him. I'm not sure what her price is, but yeah.))
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