(no subject)

Sep 01, 2007 19:10

Kurogane wants us to go back, so our long trip is postponed for awhile. I know what he thinks is wrong with Fai and I, but all he's really doing is cutting our voyage short for no reason. Everyone keeps giving us odd looks. I wish they would just get it into their heads that things have changed, and it has nothing to do with something on the island. Kurogane keeps going on about some sort of water we drank, but I don't remember drinking it at all. I trust he's not lying to us -- that's not something he would do, but I think he's deluding himself.

No one needs to concern themselves with this, anyway. Our relationship is between us. I don't know why everyone's treating it like some sort of anomaly. The next person who says something is going to get a fist in the face for their efforts.

Let's just stick with each other during the trip back. When we get back to Memento, we can all settle this (hopefully). I think we should get our blankets from below deck and sleep out under the stars tonight. What do you say?

Sora's angry with me. He has a right to be, I guess. After all, I did tell him ... not but a few weeks ago. But he didn't want it. So why then, every time I catch him looking at Fai and I, do I see that same anger? I wish he could be happy for me, instead of -- what? Jealous? Why would he be jealous? If it were the other way around, I would be glad for him. Maybe not a few weeks ago, but now. Now I just want him to be my friend again. I need to try and talk to him, but I think I'm going to wait until we have more privacy than a cramped boat. Maybe going back right now is a good idea after all. Obviously if we plan on sailing away for months, we need to resolve this.

I saw a white bird today. We're not that far from land, so I suppose it wasn't all that surprising, but I haven't seen many animals since we started this trip, and this bird was definitely not like any bird I've ever seen before. But for some reason I felt reassured when I saw it.

((OOC: Soo, the boat trip is being cut short because of the whole incident with Fai and Riku, which is in our log a week or so back. For those of you who didn't read, they basically found a magical fountain thing, and when they drank from it they fell in love, a la love potion #9 style xD. Kurogane is pissed and wants to bring them back so they can get cured somehow, but since Yuri and Mari are on hiatus, the arrival back to Memento probably won't happen until they get back. Which should be this week sometime. Sorry about the lag in activity. xd))
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