One challenge, now, is to begin to see men as "same" and women as "other" as well as the other way around, depending on other, more important factors in their personalities. To stop automatically identifying with the women in songs and folktales. To stop automatically leaping to the defense of women, but rather try and take a look at all sides of things first. My inner feminist is screaming-ze figures this is a backslide to blaming rape victims, building up women as evil temptresses, and all manner of other horrors-but let's just dangle that "equality" carrot in front of hir and see if that shuts hir up.
Let's start with
darkrow. It's been a long, long time since I saw him as a man. Instead, I see a person with whom I share love, support, and trust (to start with the things I can mention in a public post). We could both have sex reassignment surgery tomorrow and it probably wouldn't change much beyond the most superficial levels. That kind of non-gendered perception of more and more people is the goal here.