Bunny, courtesy of
greektoomey: "The Finwioni team up with the Fellowship of the Ring to take back Troy, which has been overrun by the Borg, but Neo has other plans."
The ensuing conversation:
galeriadrusilla: now your bunny is hopping around my brain and insisting that it be written as a musical and/or opera
greektoomey: yay!
galeriadrusilla: though what in eru's green arda Finarfin and Aragorn would be singing about in a duet I have no idea
greektoomey: teamwork, of course.
galeriadrusilla: right then.
galeriadrusilla: oh, and then the hobbits join in and it becomes an ensemble number
greektoomey: right
greektoomey: with Neo doing a fly-by cameo in the background.
galeriadrusilla: *nod*
greektoomey: Hugo Weaving could do double duty.
galeriadrusilla: Agent Elrond!
galeriadrusilla: *giggle*
greektoomey: Smith Halfelven
galeriadrusilla: *nod*
galeriadrusilla: and Celebrimbor sings an aria somewhere in the beginning while forging the rings
greektoomey: someone must capture a borg for Aule's benefit
galeriadrusilla: *nodnod*
galeriadrusilla: ...and one of my first thoughts regarding each character has been what vocal range to cast them with.
greektoomey: naturally
galeriadrusilla: a nerd is me.
greektoomey: cute!
galeriadrusilla: well, yes
galeriadrusilla: oh, and there's a chorus of maniacally dancing garden gnomes
greektoomey: Can we get Odysseus in there, *and* Aeneas?
galeriadrusilla: hm
galeriadrusilla: different generations, but that's not stopping us throwing Fefe in with the hobbits
greektoomey: right
galeriadrusilla: so what the hell, why not
greektoomey: Better throw in some Nazis, too, for good measure.
galeriadrusilla: oh, of course
greektoomey: Maybe fighting Indiana Jones.
greektoomey: this could be a disaster of truly epic proportions
galeriadrusilla: yes
galeriadrusilla: perhaps we could fuse indiana jones with...hrm...
greektoomey: how many sides do we have now? 7?
greektoomey: Han Solo. Naturally.
galeriadrusilla: *snerk*
greektoomey: have to get the gods & Vala involved, too.
greektoomey: Eris & Yavanna?
galeriadrusilla: or perhaps Vana and Nessa and maybe Varda muscle in on the beauty pageant?
greektoomey: there you go!
galeriadrusilla: ...maybe we should throw Hamlet in too?
greektoomey: Hamlet? Only if he can be forced to deliver some lines from Macbeth.
galeriadrusilla: with Feanor popping in to insist on judging them?
galeriadrusilla: and true.
greektoomey: Feanor couldn't be the *only* judge. What kind of panel would be complete without a sith lord and a demigod?
galeriadrusilla: this is true
galeriadrusilla: perhaps Goibniu could pop over from Celtic mythology?
greektoomey: I don't know Goibniu, but that shouldn't be an obstacle.
galeriadrusilla: while a rather confused-looking Sinbad puts in a cameo?
greektoomey: To be sure. He's a pawn of Eris, anyway, isn't he?
galeriadrusilla: *nod*
galeriadrusilla: ooh, instead of Goibniu, we could have...
galeriadrusilla: *ponders, trying to think of various Famous Arrogant Bastards from various fandoms and history*
galeriadrusilla: Alexander?
greektoomey: Alexander would work.
greektoomey: Could be... Alexander Luthor.
galeriadrusilla: *sporfle*
greektoomey: Alexander Luthor The Great.
greektoomey: *nod*
greektoomey: But he'd need a foil... Sheriff of Nottingham?
galeriadrusilla: ooh, and Kullervo can go on the judging panel too
galeriadrusilla: and yes, he'd work
greektoomey: Who... if I am not mistaken... was played by an actor who had a role in the Harry Potter movies.
galeriadrusilla: ...oh dear.
galeriadrusilla: (who?)
greektoomey: Alan Rickman
galeriadrusilla: oh, that's perfect
galeriadrusilla: sherriff severus "metatron" snape of nottingham
greektoomey: *giggle*
galeriadrusilla: who gets backup ringwraiths when he sings his aria
greektoomey: of course
galeriadrusilla: oh, and if we're involving the Kalevala
galeriadrusilla: Ilmarinen would have to be in on the smithing-skill-dicksizing between Aule and Hephaestus
galeriadrusilla: and now my brain wants to fuse Ilmarinen with Ilmare and it's all very weird
greektoomey: okay... the nazis are borg in disguise
galeriadrusilla: right
greektoomey: and they've already recovered the One Ring, and are now after the two Silmarils not in the sky, so they can combine all three to form a bigger, better Transforming Trojan Horse Of Time.
galeriadrusilla: right, that works
greektoomey: the sith lord will be assimilated into the borgnazis, who plan to use his mind control trickery to enslave Aule and Hephaestus to work on the THoT.
galeriadrusilla: (and Ilmarinen.)
greektoomey: of course
greektoomey: this would explain who and why Indiana Solo would be fighting.
galeriadrusilla: what's Indiana Solo plan on doing with the Silmarils if he gets them?
greektoomey: selling them, of course. to a museum
galeriadrusilla: right.
galeriadrusilla: in which case Fingolfin and Finarfin are in on it as well
galeriadrusilla: (and they can sing an ensemble number as they search for either or both underpants in the cave)
greektoomey: yes, yes
galeriadrusilla: Ilmarinen, meanwhile, wants all three silmarils to put them on the Sampo and make it shinier
galeriadrusilla: and so plans on nicking the two he's given to affix to the TTHoT and buggering off to mug Earendil for the third
greektoomey: right
greektoomey: at some point it must be revealed that this is all one of Morpheus's simulations.
galeriadrusilla: of course.
greektoomey: ...or is it?
galeriadrusilla: ...right, that.
galeriadrusilla: and Morpheus is fused with Eru or Manwe
galeriadrusilla: largely because we can
greektoomey: *nodnod*
greektoomey: can we give Toonity a role?
greektoomey: or three?
greektoomey: love triangle/rectangle, Toonity-Indiana Solo-Neo
galeriadrusilla: ooh, lovely
galeriadrusilla: and we fuse her with Luthien?
greektoomey: might as well
galeriadrusilla: (after the silmarils because they're Shiny, then)
greektoomey: Luthien Toonitiuviel
galeriadrusilla: tinoonity?
greektoomey: Luthien Tinoonityviel.
galeriadrusilla: that works.
greektoomey: Okay, which of Feanor's sons would be best suited to double as Frank and Jesse James?
galeriadrusilla: Celegorm and Curufin, I think
greektoomey: okay, then
galeriadrusilla: no, wait
galeriadrusilla: Celegorm and Caranthir
galeriadrusilla: (was briefly confused.)
greektoomey: (I wonder why)
galeriadrusilla: *girn*
greektoomey: So will Melkor be aligned with the borgnazis for some reason?
galeriadrusilla: revenge on Fingolfin?
greektoomey: Ah.
greektoomey: *nod*
greektoomey: at some point someone will let slip the existence of the *other* rings of power to the borgnazis.
galeriadrusilla: *nod*
greektoomey: which of course would require that the finwioni, against all wisdom, swear another oath to save their great-nephew Celebrimbor's honor
galeriadrusilla: *girn*
galeriadrusilla: (only Feanor had the oath the first time around)
greektoomey: (but his sons were bound by that oath, weren't they?)
galeriadrusilla: (Fingolfin followed him into Middle-earth but kept out of the actual Silmaril business for the most part, and Finarfin had the good sense to stay in Valinor)
galeriadrusilla: (yes they were)
galeriadrusilla: (largely because he made them swear it too as he died)
greektoomey: (ah.)
greektoomey: so, sheriff severus metatron snape of nottingham must ally himself with the finwioni, only to discover his conflict of interest when it's revealed that Celegorm and Caranthir are the James brothers.
galeriadrusilla: hee.
greektoomey: and Alexander Luthor the Great will ... figure out some way to provide Hannibal with Oliphants.
galeriadrusilla: *sporfle*
galeriadrusilla: and someone has to have Lemminkäinen as a comic sidekick
galeriadrusilla: not sure who, though
galeriadrusilla: I suppose we could attach him to Alexander Luthor the Great
galeriadrusilla: hero from the Kalevala
greektoomey: ah
galeriadrusilla: starts out as a great fighter and a bit of a Don Juan, if I recall
galeriadrusilla: goes to fight I forget who, dies, his mother sews him back together and revives him
galeriadrusilla: his wife makes him promise that he'll never go off to war if he'll make her stay home and not go visiting and partying with the other villagers
galeriadrusilla: so she gets wind of his having gone off to fight again and has left by the time he gets back and she's never seen again
galeriadrusilla: real happy story :)
greektoomey: hee
greektoomey: if Alexander Luthor the Great gets Lemminkäinen for a sidekick, then Eris must be partnered with Loki.
galeriadrusilla: of course.
galeriadrusilla: and now my brain wants to stick Erestor in there somewhere
galeriadrusilla: ...right.
galeriadrusilla: wasn't there another named Agent besides smith?
galeriadrusilla: agent elrond and agent erestor!
greektoomey: Yay!
greektoomey: okay, I've figured out what Neo would be doing through all this
galeriadrusilla: ?
greektoomey: his first priority, of course, would be looking pretty. his second priority would be to serve as a kind of narrator-discovery device to try to explain things to the audience.
galeriadrusilla: right.
greektoomey: which is why Neo would be doing triple duty as Neo Hamlet Macbeth.
galeriadrusilla: of course.
greektoomey: R2D2 and C3P0 could be Rosencrantz & Guildenstern